“How stupid is that? Jesus!”: Scarlett Johansson Turned Down 1 Arnold Schwarzenegger Remake for The Avengers

How stupid is that? Jesus!”: Scarlett Johansson Turned Down 1 Arnold Schwarzenegger Remake for The Avengers That Terminator Star Ridiculed Himself - IMDb

The evolution of filmmaking spanning the past 50 years has been drastic. An actress as accomplished as Scarlett Johansson would obviously be aware of those changes while picking out potential scripts and sniffing out critical hits. And among all the actors whose films would be worthy of being rebooted or remade, there couldnʼt be a more affluent actor than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone in Paul Verhoevenʼs Total Recall (1990) [Credit: Sony Pictures]However, even for the biggest star of the late 20th century, the Predator star made some ambitiously bad choices that his long and illustrious history as an actor, politician, and philanthropist can’t erase. Fortunately, Johanssonʼs need to establish herself in her own space rather than gain success by walking in someone elseʼs shadow saved her from falling into the trappings of the remake curse.