Before he knew that he and Mariska Hargitay would be co-workers for over two decades, Ice T was a rapper making his way into the acting world who had booked a four-episode arc on a new-ish Law & Order spin-off called Special Victims Unit.

Meeting the rest of the cast for the first time, Ice T recalled, he had a distinct reaction to series lead Hargitay, who plays Olivia Benson. Keep reading to find out what that was.

Ice T’s first impression of Mariska Hargitay

Mariska Hargitay and Ice T on the red carpet together for Law & Order: Special Victims Unit's 25th Anniversary

“It was interesting, because I only came on for four episodes, so I didn’t know how long I was going to have to be around the people. You’re walking into a room full of people you don’t really know. I didn’t know Chris [Meloni], I didn’t know Mariska, so I was just trying to be good,” the rapper and actor told Entertainment Weekly for a feature celebrating the show’s 25th anniversary.

When Hargitay asked him what he first thought of her, specifically, he answered candidly, “I just thought you was fine. I thought, ‘She’s a nice-looking lady. What’s happening? OK cool.’ I was like, ‘Yo, she’s fly.’” Who wouldn’t?

As for her first impression of him, Hargitay said, “I remember thinking he wasn’t anything like what I had imagined, or anticipated, or sort of projected on him. Because I was like, ‘Oh, God. He’s this rapper with this reputation.’ And then I met him, and he was just gentle and kind.”

Ice T, Mariska Hargitay and Octavio Pisano on the set of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Ice T and Mariska Hargitay are great friends

Much like Fin will always have Benson’s back, Hargitay calls her co-star her “protector,” and the two actors have a close friendship off-screen.

When Ice T was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Hargitay spoke glowingly of her co-star.

“I want to tell you that it is so profoundly right that your name is now here, forever commemorated in this place. Because there is something else that I hold sacred, and that is friendship. Your achievements and your artistry and your whole verbal judo, your whole story, runs so deep,” Hargitay said.