Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T reflect on 25 years of ‘Law & Order: SVU’

As the show marks its silver anniversary, the beloved duo is here to prove a good friendship is worth its weight in gold.

Where there’s Benson, there’s backup. Enter, Fin Tutuola (literally).

Actor and Grammy winner Ice-T walks onto the set of EW’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit cover shoot in a suit and bow tie that would make his character Fin, famous for his Gucci quarter zips and Adidas sneakers, laugh. He settles into his interrogation room seat — on the opposite side of the table from where he’s used to asking the questions on SVU — and quietly settles in, waiting for his teammate.

You hear her voice before you see her — it’s always that way — and when Mariska Hargitay strides across the set looking absolutely nothing like Olivia Benson with her fitted blazers and sensible slacks, instead channeling a Hollywood bombshell and criminal mob mastermind, Ice-T is the only one who dares speak (read: he actually couldn’t be less fazed).

“We’re gonna be handcuffed together,” he tells her as she sits down next to him.

The 8-time Emmy nominee (and 2006 winner) laughs, amused to no end by the creative bravado. She flashes a dazzling TV-star smile before pulling her bright red lips into a smirk. “Just like in real life,” she says.

The duo are perfectly in sync, in the way that only two people who have worked day in and day out with each other for a record-breaking 25 seasons could be. But, perhaps what’s more: They also clearly enjoy each other’s company. When the song “You Get What You Give” comes on over the speakers, they practically turn into a New Radicals cover band, singing the chorus in unison and closing their eyes at the same time to hit the high note. Despite the costumes that make them look like they’ve been plucked right out of an Agatha Christie novel, they’re not playing any roles other than themselves.

Hargitay and Ice-T function practically the exact same way as Benson and Tutuola. She leads and he doesn’t follow — he parries and protects. Not because she needs saving, but because even the hero needs somebody in her corner. Hargitay calls the shots, and Ice-T makes damn sure everybody hears her. Even in photos, the two stand back to back. It’s symbolic, whether they recognize it or not. Life can’t seem to help but imitate art after a quarter of a century on TV’s longest running primetime drama.

As EW takes the pair down memory lane to celebrate and reminisce about some of SVU’s most pivotal moments, Ice-T also makes Hargitay laugh, even (or especially) as she cries, because, well, that’s what friends are for.

It turns out, these really are their stories.

LAW & ORDER: SVU Mariska Hargitay and Ice T photographed exclusively for EW on January 14, 2024 in New York City.

A story of partnership

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What do you remember of meeting each other for the first time?

MARISKA HARGITAY: I remember thinking he wasn’t anything like what I had imagined, or anticipated, or sort of projected on him. Because I was like, “Oh, God. He’s this rapper with this reputation.” And then I met him, and he was just gentle and kind, and my first impression of him was who he turned out to be.

ICE-T: It was interesting, because I only came on for four episodes, so I didn’t know how long I was going to have to be around the people. You’re walking into a room full of people you don’t really know. I didn’t know Chris [Meloni], I didn’t know Mariska, so I was just trying to be good. But it was difficult, because they had written a character for me. I was wearing suits. There was a backstory that was strange. And once they decided to keep me on the show, Dick Wolf ripped away that backstory. He told me, “Ice, you’re not fond of cops, are you, in real life?” I’m like, “Well, I used to break the law.” [In 1992, Ice-T penned and performed the song “Cop Killer” with his band Body Count. While the song was met with heavy criticism from politicians, Ice-T maintained the track was a “protest record.”]  He said, “But you admit we need cops.” I’m like, “Yeah.” He said, “Play the cop we need.” And that was it. Fin was born.

HARGITAY: Let me ask you something. When did we meet, what do you remember? You didn’t really answer that question.

ICE-T: I just thought you were dope.

HARGITAY: But when did we meet?

ICE-T:  I don’t know. I just thought you was fine. I thought, “She’s a nice-looking lady. What’s happening? Okay, cool.” I was like, “Yo, she’s fly.”

LAW & ORDER: SVU Mariska Hargitay and Ice T photographed exclusively for EW on January 14, 2024 in New York City.


Since joining SVU in 2000, Ice-T has become the longest-running male actor on a primetime television series. Hargitay is the longest-running actor on a primetime series, period. She lights up while watching a clip from season 1 as she’s met with herself on screen, 25 years ago. “It’s so different,” she whispers as the footage of her as Olivia Benson and Christopher Meloni as Elliot Stabler rolls on. She smiles, almost shyly. 

Tell me what’s so different. 

HARGITAY: Well, we’re so young, and it’s got a cute vibe. It’s so sweet and innocent, and I love that. If you gave us that same scene and we did it now, it would be oh so different. But I love looking at the beginning, so we can really sit in appreciation of the evolution of these characters. And the evolution — especially of Olivia Benson, and the maturity, and this woman growing into her power. It’s beautiful.

ICE-T: You know what I notice? It had nothing to do with the crime. And very rarely do we now shoot any scenes that have anything to do other than with the case. That was about you guys. I guess they were building the characters, so people could understand who you were.

HARGITAY: They were building our relationship.

Stabler is famous for saying early on, “I’m your partner, for better or worse.” Do you think that’s something that still rings true between your characters — this notion of partnership? How important is being a partner?

HARGITAY: It’s everything. It’s loyalty and protection. That’s the theme.

Though Fin and Olivia have never officially been paired up as partners, they’ve always been a de facto team. Together, they’re brimming with humor — and honesty. In a clip from season 12,  Stabler heads off on assignment, leaving Fin and Olivia to work a case, and Stabler remarks to Benson on a Skype call: “Well, Fin may have your six, but he’s definitely not me.” Fin is quick to put Stabler in his place. “No, I’m better. I actually watch her back and not her backside,” he remarks. “OOOH!” Hargitay says as they watch the scene now. Ice-T can’t help but chuckle at his own delivery. 

What do you think separates Olivia’s relationship with Fin from her relationship with Stabler?

ICE-T: I don’t flirt with her. Let’s just start there. It’s more just like, I have her back. That’s my job. She’s the boss, and I’m shotgun, and nobody messes with her. So it’s never been that type of energy.

HARGITAY: Ice said it perfectly. There’s always been such a purity to it.

ICE-T: Two different energies.

HARGITAY: Two different energies.

LAW & ORDER: SVU Mariska Hargitay and Ice T photographed exclusively for EW on January 14, 2024 in New York City.