“Keanu Reeves, Confirmed as the ‘Kindest Star on the Planet,’ Proves His 110% Personality with One Small Action”

Recently, The Metro newspaper published a short interview with Jeremy Fry –  Keanu Reeves ‘ stunt double  in the blockbuster “John Wick”.

According to Jeremy Fry, Keanu Reeves is an artist with the most beautiful personality among those he has ever worked with. “He (Keanu Reeves) is a person who is always giving, altruistic, and works tirelessly. Every good thing people have ever heard about him is 110% true ,” Jeremy Fry shared.


The actor "Matrix" Keanu Reeves is confirmed to have a 110% beautiful personality thanks to this one small action - Photo 1.

Keanu Reeves and Jeremy Fy when working together.

Jeremy Fry even gave evidence to support his words when he said that Keanu Reeves spent his own money to organize an outing for his crew members after a hard time of work. “One day, he came out and said, ‘What do you guys think if we take a trip to Laguna Seca?’ ”

Keanu Reeves’ stuntman said that the “Matrix” actor spent his own money to rent out the entire Laguna Seca area – a famous racetrack in California for two days for about 80 people. “He paid for the entire hotel, treated everyone to breakfast, lunch and dinner ,” Jeremy Fy shared.