This grad wrote her dissertation on Olivia Rodrigo and she actually signed it at her concert

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation
Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

A uni grad has written her entire dissertation on Olivia Rodrigo and actually got her to sign it at her concert in Lisbon. I am obsessed!

Lorenza Sofrá is an economics and business grad from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. Her thesis is titled: “Navigating the Modern Career Landscape: A Comparative Analysis of Olivia Rodrigo’s Career Trajectory and the Protean and Boundaryless Career Model” and it explores Olivia Rodrigo’s career path.

But at the final show of the Europe leg of the GUTS Tour in Lisbon, Lorenza managed to get noticed by Olivia herself who spotted her sign from the crowd and signed her dissertation. “I was in shock and couldn’t believe it was happening,” Lorenza told The Tab. “I was completely overwhelmed, crying uncontrollably.”

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

Lorenza has been a huge fan of Olivia Rodrigo ever since the start of her career. “Even before she released Driver’s License,” she said. But she believes she shares some “remarkable similarities” with Oliva that make her music extremely relatable to her, including that they were both born in 2003 and are both Pisces.

“Olivia is the only artist I am completely obsessed with and I never get tired of listening to her. I feel a deep connection to her and her work, which is why I knew I wanted to include her in my thesis. Initially, I didn’t anticipate that my thesis would be entirely about her, but my strong connection to her artistry made it an inevitable choice.”

Lorenza wasn’t initially planning on writing her whole diss on Olivia and her work as she “didn’t think it would be possible” so originally thought about just including her in some way. But her final proposal was all about her and “to my surprise, my supervisor approved it,” she told The Tab.

The Italian student really enjoyed writing her Olivia Rodrigo diss and she said writing about such a fun topic definitely made it more relaxing and enjoyable. But one of the highlights of the whole process was that she actually got to speak to Jennifer Dustman, Olivia’s vocal coach from when she was younger. “She offered incredible insights into the early stages of Olivia’s career, which added a fascinating dimension to my work,” Lorenza said.

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

For her work, Lorenza “delved into the smallest details of Olivia’s career, ensuring a comprehensive analysis. In the final chapter, I connected all the elements to explain which type of career path Olivia Rodrigo is following.”

So after all the hard work, she said she was determined to be noticed by Olivia and get her to sign her dissertation. So before the Lisbon show she decided to make a sign which reads: ““I wrote my bachelor’s degree thesis about you, can you sign it?”

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

She started queuing at the venue around 11am to get near the front to try and be noticed and she did! As she was holding up the sign, Olivia noticed it and said: “Oh my gosh. There’s a sign that says ‘I wrote my bachelor’s degree thesis about you, can you sign it?’ Fuck yes, smart girl! Oh my god! I wonder what your work is about, wow. Look at that!”

She then passes it to her and she looks through it and says: “Oh my god she really did! This is amazing! It’s so thick I think this is thicker than my own diary!”

She read out the title and added: “Wow, you’re so cool! This is like the coolest thing ever, you’re so smart you are making me feel smarter! Congrats smart girl” before signing it and writing: “All my love, thanks for coming, Olivia Rodrigo.”

Whilst it was happening, Lorenza said: “I found myself on the floor, overwhelmed with joy and crying. She mentioned my thesis two more times during the show, once before performing jealousy, jealousy and again when she caught a shirt from a fan. It was unbelievable and surreal.


“Olivia is truly the sweetest person. She was incredibly kind throughout our interaction, taking her time to check out my thesis, read the title, and even call me smart a few times. I am so grateful to her and couldn’t be happier.”

Alexa, play jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo!